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  • Writer's picturelestershannon

Extra Cheesy Roasted Butternut Squash Mac n Cheese

This dish is the perfect Fall/Winter comfort food. It gives you all the carbs and ooey gooey cheese that you want while also giving you some health and depth of flavour with the squash. Sweet Potato would also be an amazing substitute.

You Will Need:

-Three cheeses (in this case I used parm, cheddar and mozza)

-half a butternut squash (or a full one if you’re cooking for a group)

-herbs (any that you like but I used lavender, and basil this time/ sage and rosemary would be lovely as well)

-spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, mustard powder, paprika, turmeric)

-salt and pepper to taste

-macaroni noodles





1. Peel and de-seed squash. Cube. Toss in olive oil and herb/spice mix as you like. Roast in a very hot oven for 20 minutes or so, or until cooked. Check with a fork.

2. Boil Mac. Meanwhile melt one or two tablespoons of butter in a saucepan and add a heaping tablespoon of flour, plus nutmeg, a pinch of cinnamon if you’re feeling sweet, a small amount of paprika and turmeric for colour, mustard powder, salt and pepper.

3. Cook the roux for a couple minutes on low to medium heat. Add a cup or two of milk depending on how much Mac you’re making. Cook the sauce then add cheese.

4. Cheese can be grated or finely chopped. I like to save some extra cubed cheddar to add later so there are big cheesy bites to compliment the creamy cubes of squash.

5. Stir cheese sauce regularly. Add a spoonful of pasta water (good practice for any pasta sauces).

6. Mix cubed squash with Mac and butter. Add sauce and extra cubed cheese. Top with grated parmesan.

7. Leftovers can be frozen to be baked in the oven at a later date with breadcrumbs if you like!


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