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about me

Hi, Im Shannon aka The Msrbl Fgt. A little backstory on the name, because though it sounds hateful, it is actually filled with love. Two of my closest friends, who were apt to called me "the miserable faggot" on a pretty regular basis  (for obvious reasons) were picking me up at the airport one day. They had created a sign with the words 'The Msrbl Fgt' printed on it for my arrival. I actually beat them to the parking lot though haha the joke was on them. How cute though I thought, and it stuck.

My first passion is art. I am a painter, drag performer, and amateur musician. I also consider myself to be an amateur chef and professional eater. I have been obsessed with food and learning how to cook since I was a little boy. I am not so little now and food is still one my biggest passions. I am happiest in the kitchen or studio. I don't eat out very often, but when I do, my standards are very high. Hence, my need to share my passion about food with the world.

A little background, I lived in Osaka, Japan for about six years teaching English and that is where I truly discovered the fine art of kui da ore, which is living passionately for food. Indeed Osaka is a mecca for food, and Japan in general is a very foodcentric country. I learned a lot about Japanese food in particular there of course, but also about expanding my palette to embrace new tastes and textures I had never even dreamed of. Try eating live octopus for example.

I am currently residing in Kelowna, BC, Canada. Thanks for reading!


Be sure to enjoy my art

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